Our Board » Board Members

Board Members

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Sandra Penaloza
Sandra Peñaloza, Board President
Trustee Area #2
Term: 2024-2028
Mrs. Peñaloza is an Administrator of Instruction, Innovation, and Improvement for Riverside County Office of Education and a San Jacinto High School graduate. She was initially elected to the Board in 2020. Her present term expires in 2028. Mrs. Peñaloza currently serves as President of the Board.

Nalaisha BurnettNalaisha Burnett, Board Vice-President
Trustee Area #5
Term: 2022-2026
Mrs. Burnett is a former teacher, a community volunteer and small business owner. She was initially elected to the Board in 2022. Her present term expires in 2026. Ms. Burnett currently serves as Vice-President of the Board.

Jasmin Rubio
Jasmin Rubio, Board Clerk
Trustee Area #4
Term: 2022-2026
Ms. Rubio is a college student studying Business Administration. She was initially appointed to the Board in 2014. Her present term expires in 2026. Ms. Rubio currently serves as Clerk of the Board.

William FishburnWilliam Fishburn, Board Member
Trustee Area #3
Term: 2024-2028
Mr. Fishburn was initially elected to the Board in 2024. His present term expires in 2028. 

Benjamin Uribe
Benjamin Uribe, Board Member
Trustee Area #1
Term: 2024-2028
Mr. Uribe is a fifth grade teacher and high school baseball coach. He is a proud 1993 graduate of San Jacinto High School. He was initially elected to the Board in 2024. His present term expires in 2028. 

Claudia Zavala
Claudia Zavala, Student Board Member
2024-2025 Student Board Member
From San Jacinto High School

Student Board Member Brianna Pla
Brianna Plá, Student Board Member
2024-2025 Student Board Member 
From San Jacinto Leadership Academy